Ace director Shankar’s forthcoming production venture ‘Ananthapurathu Veedu’ directed by Naga is presently on its post production stages and Shankar is planning to release it by the middle of June.
Sources say that the film will be a super natural thriller and besides that it will also have enough dose of comedy too. Saying about the story of the film, they further adds “The story revolves around about a married couple (Nandha and Chaya Singh) who get back to their ancestral home that was locked for more than two decades. Later, they realise that the house is haunted by ghosts.”
“Naga, known for making eerie thrillers for television channels (including ‘Marmadesam’), has shaped up the film in such a way to entertain the universal audiences. Besides thrills and chills, there is importance to humour too.” sources adds
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