‘Rama Rama Krishna Krishna’ is gearing up for its release on May 12th. The film has Ram, Bindu Madhavi and Priya Anand in the main roles. The film had earned ‘U/A’ certification from the censor board. ‘Dil’ Raju has organized a press meet at his office and Ram, Dil Raju, Srivaas, and Sireesh had attended.

Dil Raju said, “We saw the film yesterday after we received the first copy. We are eagerly waiting for the film to release on 12th. I feel that this film will surely entertain the audience to the fullest extent. I am sure that we are going to enjoy the fruitful results for our 2 year sincere efforts. ‘Rama Rama Krishna Krishna’ is going to be a good family entertainer in this summer.”

Hero Ram said, “The censor board certified the film as ‘U/A’. This is a complete family entertainer releasing on May 12th as summer entertainer.”

Director Srivass said, “I was happy to see my efforts of 2 years on the screen. The censor board members also opined that the film is a complete family entertainer. Ram’s dance sequences would remain as highlight in this film, he dances like a spring. I appreciate and thank Jr NTR for giving the voice over for this flick.”



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