Ram Charan’s third film, titled ‘Orange’ has recently completed its shooting part in Australia. The latest buzz in the industry is that the movie has been offered a whopping amount of Rs. 6.5 crores for acquiring the satellite rights of the film. This is said to be the maximum amount that is ever offered for a film prior to its release.
Orange is being touted as a romantic family entertainer. The makers of the film are planning to release the film in the month of October. Orange is being directed by Bommarillu Bhaskar and K. Naga babu is producing it under his banner Anjana Productions. K.Venkat Rao will present the film. Genelia is playing the female lead in the film while Shazahn Padamsee and Sanchita Shetty will be seen in other crucial roles. The film has music by Harris Jayaraj and cinematography by Gafi.
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