Reality TV star Kim Kardashian admits she’s back “on the market” and is looking for a husband.

“I’m on the market. This is a new life for me. I haven’t been single in years. I never thought I would like being single,” quoted Kardashian as saying.

“I’m not the dating type. I’m a relationship kind of girl. The next one that comes into my life will be my husband,” she said.

Kim, who dated American footballer Reggie Bush on and off for three years, has been reported to have split with him, as she wanted to get married, while he wasn’t convinced Kim was “the right kind of girl” to spend his life with.

“Kim has been pushing for marriage – the pressure’s been on. She feels it’s the next step for her and Reggie. But Reggie knows deep down in his heart that he doesn’t want to marry Kim. He basically put it on the line for her – he wants a wife that is a support system to him and would be a stay-at-home mom to his children,” a source said.

“Reggie loves Kim but he knows that’s just not her. He loves her drive and ambition, and he thinks she’s amazing, he truly loves her, but he knows she’s just not the right kind of girl for him to marry,” the source added.



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